Steve Binder, who conceived, produced & directed the Elvis ’68 Comeback Special which was responsible for bringing Elvis back, is coming to Australia to present his Elvis Comeback Special at the Parkes Elvis Festival, and the Tamworth Country Music Festival in January. Binder is widely regarded as the most successful Producer/Director ever in American TV / Music History. Among his many landmark achievements, the U.S. TV ‘Bible’ TV Guide named his ELVIS ’68 ‘Comeback’ Special one of the two most iconic and important musical shows & performances in U.S. Television/Music History, along with The Beatles debut on The Ed Sullivan Show.
Binder also directed and produced 6 of TV Guide’s list of “The Top 100 Most Important Musical Moments on Television in the 20th Century”. His list of major TV and film credits runs some 15 pages long.
Priscilla Presley recently said that if it wasn’t for Steve Binder, Elvis would not have had his second career. For Binder’s book: “Elvis ’68 – A Retrospective” Priscilla is quoted on the cover saying: “It was time for Elvis to do something in a big way. Steve Binder came along at the right time. And magic happened. Their journey made history. And still, today, we enjoy and are mesmerized by that magic.”
And that magic continues to impact…Steve and the multiple-award winning Elvis ‘68 Special were honoured again last year at the Emmy Awards in Hollywood, and Steve and Priscilla were also invited back on stage together as presenters.
Binder is also obviously one of the two most important and influential living people in Elvis’s career: viz. Priscilla & Steve. Steve has been performing his Elvis ’68 Special theatrical show in the U.S. to ‘Sold Out’ audiences, screening segments of the ’68 Special, and recounting his experiences with Elvis, including conceiving the Special with Elvis’ full concurrence and co-operation, how he got to know Elvis on a personal level, how they trusted each other and their instincts, and became good friends.
Parkes Elvis Festival fans will hear the inside stories and secrets behind the making of the ’68 Special – including that both Steve and Elvis defied Colonel Parker, and Steve changed what was to have been a Christmas Carol TV Special into what became ‘The Return of The King’ …and the rest truly is History.
During Steve Binder’s live show he will reveal numerous insider secrets that he shared with Elvis. He will present on the big screen segments of the ’68 Special, with pauses during which Steve will talk to the audience, relate to what they just saw, and what they are about to see next. Steve will also present unique out-takes and photographs of Elvis and him taken during the rehearsals and making of the ‘68 Special, and will relay some of his discussions with Elvis. Elvis trusted Steve with his career, and Steve and Elvis both delivered.
Steve and the 2016 Parkes/Elvis Wall Of Fame Honouree, Robie Porter (Rob E.G.) became business partners in the U.S. in 1971. They formed The Binder/Porter Organisation, and Binder/Porter Productions, a highly successful record & television production company. Their artist management division managed such leading Australian artists as Rick Springfield, Daddy Cool and Russell Morris, They also formed Wizard Records together in Australia in 1972, which became one of the two top independent Australian record companies, producing numerous #1 Hit recording artists including Rick Springfield, Daddy Cool, Marcia Hines, Air Supply, Tommy Emmanuel, Hush, Colleen Hewett, and Robie Porter. The famed U.S. Billboard Magazine named Steve Binder & Robie Porter “The Instigators of the Aussie Music Invasion of America”. Binder/Porter Productions and The Wizard Group will produce The ELVIS ’68 Comeback Special shows, and Porter will be the Host/Compere.
Binder/Porter will also present “An Audience with Steve Binder” at which the audience will get to join Steve for an unforgettable up-close and personal discussion in a conference-room setting. The audience will personally meet, sit and chat with Steve as he reveals more about the friendship and trust that he and Elvis developed, and more stories behind their making of The Comeback Special.
Both events will be presented at the Parkes Services Club during the Parkes Elvis Festival 5th to 9th January, and at Wests Diggers and Wests Tamworth on Wednesday 20th January. For more info/tix for Parkes CLICK HERE
Porter will also celebrate his Wall Of Fame Induction with his Rob E.G. “Behind The #1 Hits Show” at Parkes Services Club on Friday 8th January.
He will also present The Rob E.G. BIG Show – A Mega-Charity Benefit Event at Wests Diggers Tamworth on Monday 18th January, with Very Special Guests: Ben Ransom, The Great Australian Guitar Shoot Out and Fiddlers Duel, The Men Of Steel, and Surprise Guest Artists: All profits to assist the Homeless of Tamworth.
For further Information and interviews with Steve Binder & Robie Porter, contact Kris Katsanis:
E: | M: 0414 334 348 | Ph: 02 9349 5328